Pioneering and proven forensic linguistics


Ángela Almela, PhD  is a corpus linguist who specializes in English and Spanish. She earned her M.A. in English Language and PhD with distinction in Linguistics at the Universidad de Murcia, Spain. Her doctoral dissertation developed and tested a method for deception detection in English and Spanish. Her lines of research include forensic, computational and applied linguistics, within which she has published over 50 articles in journals, conferences, and book chapters, several of them in JCR-indexed journals. Furthermore, she has been involved in research projects with Indra Software Labs S.L.U. and Universidad Carlos III, among others. She has also been a visiting scholar at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy), Freie Universität Berlin (Germany) and Institute for Linguistic Evidence (USA).

Dr. Almela has taught language and linguistics at Universidad de Murcia, University Center of Defense at the Spanish Air Force Academy (MDE-UPCT) and Universidad Católica San Antonio (Spain). Currently, she is an Associate Professor at the Universidad de Murcia.

At ALIAS Technology, Angela serves on the Linguist Support Team for SynAID, Profiler and WISER1.

Carole E Chaski PhD is a syntactician and computational linguist who specializes in developing tools for the analysis of syntactic variation. She attended St. John’s College in Annapolis and earned her A.B. magna cum laude in English and Ancient Greek at Bryn Mawr College. After teaching high school English, she earned her M.Ed. in Psychology of Reading at the University of Delaware and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Linguistics at Brown University. Her doctoral dissertation researched the loss of the Greek infinitive from Homeric to early Modern Greek from the analytical perspectives of three major syntactic theories (government-binding, head-driven phrase structure grammar and lexical-functional grammar). She has programmed in Pascal, PL-1, LISP, Visual Basic, Visual C#, Python and Filemaker. She has used statistical software such as SAS, JMP, Weka, R and SPSS.

At ALIAS Technology, in addition to her executive roles, Carole serves on the Linguist Support Team for SynAID, Profiler and other modules as cases warrant.

Nan Decker PhD is a syntactician specializing in grammars for machine translation and other applications. She earned her BA in English from Wellesley College, M.Ed. in Deaf-Blind Education from San Francisco State College, and Ph.D. in Linguistics from Brown University.  Her experiences teaching deaf-blind students at Perkins School for the Blind sparked an interest in the complexities of syntax acquisition and led her to work at WGBH-TV, where she was part of a team that developed a captioning system for hearing-impaired viewers which controlled syntax, vocabulary and inferential content.  Her doctoral dissertation concerned syntactic cues to discourse structure in hard news reports.

After earning her doctorate, she went on to work at Mead Data Central (now LexisNexis), where she designed a grammar for identifying legal citations in a large online database.  For over twenty years, she worked in the field of machine translation, first at Language Engineering and then LogoVista U.S., building a richly annotated online dictionary and grammar for automatic translation of written English text to Japanese text.

At ALIAS Technology, Nan serves on the Linguist Support Team for SynAID and ILER.

Beyond this core team, ALIAS Technology LLC also brings other linguists into cases as needed for specific expertise.