Pioneering and proven forensic linguistics

User Policy

Our User Policy has three parts.

First, due to the sensitive nature of the data which ALIAS analyzes, trainees must meet strict qualifications. ALIAS Technology provides accounts to five kinds of users:

  • Law enforcement
  • Allied forensic science (questioned document examination, digital evidence, forensic psychology)
  • Law (attorneys, paralegals, e-discovery consultants)
  • Security (security executives, human resources)
  • Linguists (graduates of respectable, strong programs in linguistics who have specialized in a main subfield of linguistics, not graduates of “forensic linguistics” programs)

Second, users must agree to confidentiality. ALIAS is hosted on a server in a secure environment with several layers of security, including chain of custody, built into the software. ALIAS users must abide by these principles.

Third, software access is available only to vetted and trained users.

Information Request

For information about training and access to ALIAS, complete and submit the form below or email us directly (




    Job Title:

    Telephone Number*:


    Monthly Volume of Cases Related to Linguistic Evidence: